The health of a nation is safeguarded by the healthcare workers’ thereby wealth and development. Unfortunately, many migrant nurses are facing stark discrimination, exploitation, and human trafficking. Their rights are not protected, face discrimination at workplaces, and are often victims of Human trafficking. Fraudulent recruiting agents and false promises of opportunities higher pay, unsafe long working hours in unsafe working conditions are the rules. The sad plight was compounded by the callous attitudes of governments and other stakeholders concerned with migration. To get a nursing job in some Middle Eastern countries the middlemen were taking up to 30,00 dollars. Low wages and deplorable working conditions in comparison to their national counterparts. Women are especially vulnerable to abuse and exploitation because they often work in sectors where labor law enforcement is weak and access to justice mechanisms is very weak. But when laws protecting migrants are effective, the dream becomes reality, The administration should intervene, and regulates recruitment, contracts, placements, and employment in destination countries is one of the many solutions to the dream of finding a new life abroad without turning into a nightmare of exploitation, abuse, and hopelessness. We call upon the nursing community to join hands here to safeguard and protect the interest of the Nurses.