Migrant Women rights to be protected

Migrant Women’s rights to be protected

Women are not naturally vulnerable but they are made venerable by the negative forces in the migration arena. Of the migrants, women constitute virtually half, and their contribution to their families, in developing their economies and societies is immense.  It is needless to say that the remittances they send home help to prop up and advance the economies of countries of origin. In spite of their contributions, migrant women workers are often victims of inadequate social protection and are vulnerable to exploitation and human trafficking.

Unskilled and semi-skilled migrant workers are more vulnerable to exploitation, but their departure deprives some developing countries of the valuable labor needed for their own economies. It is imperative to protect the valuable labor of women migrants by providing tools for both countries of origin and destination to manage migration flows and ensure adequate protection and ensure welfare for this vulnerable category of workers.

The wage gap between male national and female migrant workers may be more than 50 percent in the same position and undergoes the double wage penalty, both as a migrant and women. .  The female domestic workers are the ones who always undergo the brunt of all discrimination and disparities