Together to build an Inclusive, equitable, and just world 


Together to build an Inclusive, equitable, and just world 

Encourage social and economic development through migration by ensuring well being of migrants at their workplaces upholding human dignity without exploitation

Despite earnest efforts for the betterment of the migrant’s life by different stakeholders in the migrant world,  the appalling conditions are growing, with NO light at the end of the tunnel.  Leave behind no one. The redundant migration rules regulations and policies should be changed to suit the present-day rights and dignity-based SDG goals in the GCM frameworks for “safe orderly and regular migration”.  

Migration is a choice and not a necessity, migration is for Gain not for Drain in tune with UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030.   The international conventions, treaties, articles, and Global compacts on Migration should be accepted and respected by all the stakeholders.